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Planner Municipal Software


After investigating several valuation systems we concluded that ePlanner was the most comprehensive and efficient system available.  ePlanner is outlined in detail.

The Planner valuation system was originally developed in 1993 by In Depth Data. It has been continuously upgraded and improved over the years and now accommodates the requirements of the MPRA.

ePlanner is currently being utilized by the following Municipalities:

  •  Midvaal Local Municipality
  • Metsimaholo Local Municipality
  • Emfuleni Local Municipality
  • Windhoek (Namibia)
  • City of Johannesburg
  • Lesedi Local Municipality

System Capabilities

 The initial data loading process entails the:

  • Reconciling of deeds-, financial- and GIS data for comparison and correcting purposes;
  • A true reflection of the deeds office;
  • Land Parcel Indicator (LPI) code processed from the Deeds Office as the link to GIS;
  • Endorsements processed from the Deeds Office such as servitudes (PSI) and  bonds to assist with valuations and audit trail such as consolidations, subdivisions, township proclamations and excisions;
  • Information of buyers and sellers processed from the Deeds Office to control correctness of ownership, names and identification numbers;
  • Purchase prices, purchase dates and registration dates processed for valuation purposes;
  • Reflection of property types such as a erf holding, farm, exclusive use, SS unit, servitude, split value and long term lease agreement;
  • Street addresses from a drop down lookup compared with Map IT data to control uniform spelling and types.

This concludes the compilation of the property master file, which was 100 % successful in the creation of the property master file for:

  • Midvaal Local Municipality
  • Metsimaholo Local Municipality
  • Emfuleni Local Municipality
  • Lesedi Local Municipality

Planner Modules

Bulk Entry Module:

  • Enter initial values and data such as zoning, improvement use, improvement qualities, extent, land use, F.A.R., height zone, valuation method, valuation factors, valuer?s notes, remarks, tariff and category;
  • Archive property where status has changed i.e. excised, subdivided, township proclamation etc;
  • Capture servitudes (PSIs) (deduction or influential factors).

Deeds Office Manager:

  • This module automatically processes data received from the deeds office;
  • Updating owners, sellers, purchase prices, title deed number, dates, endorsements, LPI code, new townships, subdivisions, consolidations and excisions, resulting in an updated master file on a monthly basis (or alternatively specified basis).

Valuation Manager Module:

4 ways of valuing:

  • Per property or manual override
  • Comparable sales
  • Depreciated replacement method
  • Income method

Market analysis on vacant land, improvements and sectional title properties to determine a base value applicable for the duration of the Valuation Roll;
All data is modelled in the final computer assisted mass appraisal process CAMA that also employs a monitoring process to eliminate possible errors.

Maintenance Module:

This module maintains:

  • Subdivisions, consolidations, excisions and new townships
  • New improvements
  • Rezonings
  • Street addresses
  • New servitudes
  • New sectional title units
  • Exclusive use areas

Continuously records audit trail on all of the above.

Queries Module:

This module enables the extraction of any data such as:

  • Entire Valuation Roll
  • Supplementary Valuation Roll
  • Monthly transfers
  • Monthly supplementary valuations
  • All council owned properties
  • All group owned properties
  • All unregistered erven
  • All specifically zoned properties
  • Municipal Land Audit (a 100 % correct land audit was achieved for Emfuleni Local Municipality)
  • Property field sheet

Any customised query can be generated for the extraction of any data.

Integration with Financial Systems

eVenus Integration

Recently, In-Depth Data (the creators of the Planner Software System) worked closely with Business Connexion at the City of Windhoek to develop an interface from ePlanner to the eVenus system.  This comprehensive integration significantly exceeds the specification or requirements for this tender.  Nevertheless, it amplifies the capabilities of the ePlanner system to deliver to the required specification.  In fact, over the years Planner regularly exchanged data to different councils utilising the Venus system.

GIS Integration:

Owing to the design, using industry standards Planner Software has, since its first versions, integrated with different GIS systems.  This has been possible due to extensive GIS skills at In-Depth Data.  ePlanner is integrated with our Tatuk GIS editor.